5 February 2025 at 23:46:53 UTC Transaction Pool Autorefresh is OFF Connect via Lokinet Go to testnet explorer (via Lokinet) Go to devnet explorer (via Lokinet)

1777193 v19.0 in 87 seconds 15000 OXEN 16.5 OXEN 0.005 OXEN/output + 0.000122 OXEN/kB 0.015 OXEN/output + 0.000366 OXEN/kB 300kB/600kB 20.1GB

71413800.700227678 OXEN 72170184.55102165 OXEN 81167.827375583 OXEN 756383.850793973 OXEN 24729.545765604 OXEN

* — The circulating supply may exclude any currently publicised locked OXEN; otherwise it is equal to the coinbase minus the number of burned coins. Fees include paid transaction fees minus any portion that was burned.

34396226.987917863 OXEN (48.16% of circulating supply)

1 OXEN = $0.050226 €0.04829623 ₤0.04017409 ₿0.00000052 Ξ0.00001805

🏁 Service Node Registration ⚑ Contribution 👍 Recommission 👎 Decommission 🚫 Deregistration 📋 IP Change Penalty 🎁 Block Reward 🔓 Stake Unlock 🎫 Oxen Name System Purchase 💾 ONS Update

Transaction Pool

0 transactions, 0B

Age [h:m:s] Type Transaction Hash Fee/Per kB In/Out TX Size

Transactions in Blocks 1776972–1776991 🔗

(Min. / Median / Average / Max. size of these blocks: 113B / 113B / 136B / 236B)

Current Page: 10/88859
Showing blocks/page
Height Age [h:m:s] Size Type Transaction Hash Fee Rewards In/Out TX Size
1776991 6:42:29 196 🎁 481462fce16d2394e3b2a708f679262f42ac86841de8482e2f564d94b03b9bc4 63.87 0/2 196
1776990 6:44:31 113
1776989 6:46:28 154 🎁 0222b05b99bdcf4e59e5c1435d2d1af386cb78d5abd28717a0ecb8143124a873 12.01 0/1 154
1776988 6:48:31 113
1776987 6:50:31 113
1776986 6:52:31 113
1776985 6:54:31 113
1776984 6:56:30 113
1776983 6:58:30 113
1776982 7:00:19 113
1776981 7:01:50 196 🎁 24a5833fe9058e5c5bed618dc3ee38205414127734fc8710cf4da97316196753 41.39 0/2 196
1776980 7:03:21 236 🎁 784767fd68f8e9eeb753bf77f17c538516ce07d8463c5001a4ad4ccafc2c7ed3 12.05 0/3 236
1776979 7:06:30 113
1776978 7:08:31 113
1776977 7:10:31 113
1776976 7:12:31 113
1776975 7:14:30 154 🎁 207f259d7f3ae19840ea258dfb30558c983f583ea2cef4933350fedabb9bd12d 10.23 0/1 154
1776974 7:16:31 154 🎁 1ba5aceaca628cf5164fcd729b93446ffb2c446a491e32414cdde2ee5f487ccd 18.43 0/1 154
1776973 7:18:31 113
1776972 7:20:30 154 🎁 871d32f44663fe0ee2a2f347e37370a7340a44c910bdffc77c3f09e0d505138b 8.75 0/1 154
Current Page: 10/88859
Showing blocks/page

Service Nodes

3 service nodes awaiting contributions, 5 decommissioned service nodes and 2286 active service nodes across 38 countries, 104 hosting networks and 1392 IP addresses. 57.32% (1315 nodes) of the service node network uses a dedicated IP address.

Nodes are operated by 334 unique wallet addresses and funded by 348 other unique contributors.

39 nodes (1.7%) will be unlocking in the next 15 days, of which 2 nodes (5.13% of unlocking / 0.09% of all) in the next 24 hours.

The nominal APR per full node (15000 OXEN) is 12.65%. The approximate earnings of a node are 5.2 OXEN per day, 158.07 OXEN per month and 1896.85 OXEN per year.

1205 (52.53%) 1084 (47.25%) 5 (0.22%)

💚 Improves Diversity 🟡 Negligible Impact on Diversity 🟠 Negatively Affects Diversity 🔴 Strong Negative Impact on Diversity 👏 Unique Country/Hosting Network 🪆 Multiple SNs Share Server

Service Nodes Awaiting Contributions (3, of which 0 [0.0%] on dedicated IP)

Operator Contribution Geographic Distribution Hosting Distribution
Public Key In Queue Contributors Fee (%) Nodes Vitality Contributed Remaining Minimum Stake Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Country Representation Diversity Representation Diversity
87d454a72a02dd17c9b3b0e1… 50.0 minutes 1/10 45 151 517.1 3750.00 11250.00 1250.000000000 United States 33.44% (767) 🔴 12.9% (296) 🔴🪆
ceed2c855feeaaed41e28d66… 52.0 minutes 1/10 45 151 517.1 3750.00 11250.00 1250.000000000 United States 33.44% (767) 🔴 12.9% (296) 🔴🪆
4e544032312c11e9b2dd5131… 52.0 minutes 1/10 45 151 517.1 3750.00 11250.00 1250.000000000 United States 33.44% (767) 🔴 12.9% (296) 🔴🪆

Inactive/Decommissioned Service Nodes (5)

(These service nodes are currently decommissioned for failing network obligations, are not earning rewards, and face deregistration soon)

Operator Decommission Geographic Distribution Hosting Distribution
Public Key Contributors Fee (%) Nodes Vitality Height Reasons Count Last Uptime Proof Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Blocks until Dereg. Country Representation Diversity Representation Diversity
90361b80ad8fd2038a88c727… 1/10 19 289.5 1775808 uptime (storage, lokinet) 1 Not Received 56 (in 1.9 hours) Iceland 2.57% (59) 🟡 2.53% (58) 🟠🪆
ad87fd76bc49ca0d2c686d04… 1/10 19 282.5 1775933 uptime (storage) 3 Not Received 88 (in 2.9 hours) Iceland 2.57% (59) 🟡 2.53% (58) 🟠🪆
e5bd85df295408d138906670… 1/10 19 289.5 1775942 uptime (storage, timecheck, lokinet) 1 Not Received 190 (in 6.3 hours) Iceland 2.57% (59) 🟡 2.53% (58) 🟠🪆
e495b5657129e1da9e506b55… 1/10 1 101.8 1776551 (storage, timecheck, lokinet) 2 0:51:25 799 (in 26.6 hours) France 13.64% (313) 🟠 8.28% (190) 🟠
772b436c009f56c3cb27b785… 2/10 38 12 33.2 1777038 uptime 2 Not Received 1286 (in 1.8 days) South Africa 0.61% (14) 💚 0.31% (7) 💚

Active Service Nodes (2286)

Current storage swarm count: 327

Operator Geographic Distribution Hosting Distribution
Public Key Contri­butors Fee (%) Nodes Vitality Full Stake Active Since Height Last Uptime Proof Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Country Representation Diversity Representation Diversity
7ed794593c9f8a986bd7ce40… 1/10 146 175.9 15000.00 1770431 (9.4 days) 1:00:02 France 13.64% (313) 🟠 12.64% (290) 🔴
becc6a8b145e699d6bd3fa5d… 2/10 20 10 484.8 15000.00 1712533 (89.8 days) 1:00:00 Vietnam 0.13% (3) 💚 0.13% (3) 💚🪆
29071ff562b42881d6cc1d3a… 4/10 0 1 87.2 15000.00 1714829 (86.6 days) 0:59:58 Finland 9.68% (222) 🟠 0.31% (7) 💚🪆
e5b8a3014e2ffc44aecfcbe7… 2/10 22.5 13 7494.4 15000.00 1319246 (636.0 days) 0:59:56 United States 33.44% (767) 🔴 8.28% (190) 🟠
0edf48cfbce29f71da6ba60b… 2/10 15 4 165.4 15000.00 1681074 (133.5 days) 0:59:55 Finland 9.68% (222) 🟠 0.31% (7) 💚🪆
a12ed1e3dca956abb32a5e0c… 1/10 10 261.7 15000.00 1753716 (32.6 days) 0:59:54 Japan 0.65% (15) 💚 0.44% (10) 💚
419f10d19b5d551fdd450858… 4/10 20 4 165.4 15000.00 1660540 (162.0 days) 0:59:50 Finland 9.68% (222) 🟠 0.31% (7) 💚🪆
e873fd9b8259dc297f962124… 2/10 15 4 165.4 15000.00 1660610 (161.9 days) 0:59:50 Finland 9.68% (222) 🟠 0.31% (7) 💚🪆
d2a306c0e2579090434510f6… 6/10 24.5 20 525.2 15000.00 1617496 (221.8 days) 0:59:49 Germany 16.96% (389) 🟠 0.87% (20) 🟡🪆
1f229f18991ef70f04591bdc… 1/10 171 825.7 15000.00 1749653 (38.2 days) 0:59:48 United States 33.44% (767) 🔴 12.9% (296) 🔴🪆
+ 2276 more ↪

Click here to see the full service node list (at most 10 are shown here)

Last 3 checkpoints

Height Block hash Checkpoint Quorum
1777188 9d44c84cb5599ffb3eb4d828ab2a50aacca31f77cec8cc86787ab1c20ce10706 20/20 signatures:
1777184 f6a30b5ac4d22f43c937840c3f2827c04a9ea55fccdae4ba98b20f1892271c72 20/20 signatures:
1777140 4b2e7c65f02512f94650eb58b99d2c2450f151df8911eb9d44c8a0edca754f70 20/20 signatures:

View recent stored testing/checkpoint/blink/pulse quorums