13 February 2025 at 11:03:39 UTC Transaction Pool Autorefresh is OFF Connect via Lokinet Go to testnet explorer (via Lokinet) Go to devnet explorer (via Lokinet)

1782571 v19.0 in 41 seconds 15000 OXEN 16.5 OXEN 0.005 OXEN/output + 0.000122 OXEN/kB 0.015 OXEN/output + 0.000366 OXEN/kB 300kB/600kB 20.1GB

71510746.470846653 OXEN 72267879.671919405 OXEN 81170.019697531 OXEN 757133.201072755 OXEN 25631.091519905 OXEN

* — The circulating supply may exclude any currently publicised locked OXEN; otherwise it is equal to the coinbase minus the number of burned coins. Fees include paid transaction fees minus any portion that was burned.

34474976.987917863 OXEN (48.21% of circulating supply)

1 OXEN = $0.062552 €0.060055 ₤0.050064 ₿0.00000065 Ξ0.00002335

🏁 Service Node Registration ⚑ Contribution 👍 Recommission 👎 Decommission 🚫 Deregistration 📋 IP Change Penalty 🎁 Block Reward 🔓 Stake Unlock 🎫 Oxen Name System Purchase 💾 ONS Update

Transaction Pool

0 transactions, 0B

Age [h:m:s] Type Transaction Hash Fee/Per kB In/Out TX Size

Transactions in Blocks 1766028–1766047 🔗

(Min. / Median / Average / Max. size of these blocks: 113B / 113B / 239B / 2.38kB)

Current Page: 826/89128
Showing blocks/page
Height Age [h:m:s] Size Type Transaction Hash Fee Rewards In/Out TX Size
1766047 22d 22:40:52 113
1766046 22d 22:42:24 113
1766045 22d 22:43:55 113
1766044 22d 22:45:27 113
1766043 22d 22:46:59 154 🎁 13e7e799260a273e77738ef068ed79dc17b494bff177e632b4b3c874753c8390 6.69 0/1 154
1766042 22d 22:48:31 154 🎁 6bcad5b127c5955f908afd6a9f1cc8771f14062aaffc227d6f5e59c481d47317 1.89 0/1 154
1766041 22d 22:50:04 154 🎁 e71c958f16b2bd4959d130119b4b4077672d773a5c73edde484c37badcb34628 10.42 0/1 154
1766040 22d 22:52:36 113
1766039 22d 22:55:07 113
1766038 22d 22:57:39 113
1766037 22d 23:00:11 2.38k
🏁 8fef7e65d370742bff3bc870f7313c189edd0f4ae5b8468fa7ac19eb869f91bf 0.0103 2/2 2.27k
1766036 22d 23:02:43 113
1766035 22d 23:05:14 113
1766034 22d 23:07:46 113
1766033 22d 23:10:18 154 🎁 fd078d8a464ba20b10a95a69dcd7776fe8cd7f200e775a3e1642ee4d77f26dea 28.30 0/1 154
1766032 22d 23:11:50 113
1766031 22d 23:13:21 113
1766030 22d 23:14:55 113
1766029 22d 23:16:30 113
1766028 22d 23:18:02 195 🎁 6bf26dd933bec51bb83a2ffdcaab5b987c723c12bf3e5acaa19cb3235401f357 20.54 0/2 195
Current Page: 826/89128
Showing blocks/page

Service Nodes

0 service nodes awaiting contributions, 6 decommissioned service nodes and 2291 active service nodes across 38 countries, 101 hosting networks and 1394 IP addresses. 57.34% (1317 nodes) of the service node network uses a dedicated IP address.

Nodes are operated by 335 unique wallet addresses and funded by 352 other unique contributors.

116 nodes (5.05%) will be unlocking in the next 15 days, of which 1 node (0.86% of unlocking / 0.04% of all) in the next 24 hours.

The nominal APR per full node (15000 OXEN) is 12.62%. The approximate earnings of a node are 5.19 OXEN per day, 157.73 OXEN per month and 1892.71 OXEN per year.

1169 (50.89%) 1123 (48.89%) 5 (0.22%)

💚 Improves Diversity 🟡 Negligible Impact on Diversity 🟠 Negatively Affects Diversity 🔴 Strong Negative Impact on Diversity 👏 Unique Country/Hosting Network 🪆 Multiple SNs Share Server

Service Nodes Awaiting Contributions (0)

Operator Contribution Geographic Distribution Hosting Distribution
Public Key In Queue Contributors Fee (%) Nodes Vitality Contributed Remaining Minimum Stake Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Country Representation Diversity Representation Diversity

Inactive/Decommissioned Service Nodes (6)

(These service nodes are currently decommissioned for failing network obligations, are not earning rewards, and face deregistration soon)

Operator Decommission Geographic Distribution Hosting Distribution
Public Key Contributors Fee (%) Nodes Vitality Height Reasons Count Last Uptime Proof Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Blocks until Dereg. Country Representation Diversity Representation Diversity
5248bbde610ab947a2dd5a69… 1/10 1 6.5 1782341 uptime (storage, lokinet) 1 Not Received 🔓 25/02/2025, 02:23 (in 11.6 days) 🧑‍🔧 0 (deregistration in ~8.0 minutes) United States 34.61% (795) 🔴 0.91% (21) 🟡
9afa08fbdcda592485ba0b40… 2/10 38 12 30.4 1782254 uptime 5 Not Received 1046 (in 34.9 hours) South Africa 0.61% (14) 💚 0.22% (5) 💚🪆
47a6cb09dfd8d3ad123188f4… 1/10 146 179.5 1782206 uptime (storage, lokinet) 3 Not Received 1076 (in 35.9 hours) Germany 16.85% (387) 🟠 12.63% (290) 🔴
8b5c34d826338d8f47bb4a2f… 2/10 38 12 30.4 1782273 uptime 6 9:20:06 1091 (in 1.5 days) South Africa 0.61% (14) 💚 0.22% (5) 💚🪆
7585038ba76c53cac7f277ec… 2/10 5 12 30.4 1782532 uptime 5 Not Received 🔓 16/02/2025, 17:01 (in 3.2 days) 🧑‍🔧 1164 (in 1.6 days) South Africa 0.61% (14) 💚 0.22% (5) 💚🪆
8ab3e0bc9568e7f7d4b7614d… 3/10 29 12 30.4 1782393 uptime 6 Not Received 1184 (in 1.6 days) South Africa 0.61% (14) 💚 0.22% (5) 💚🪆

Active Service Nodes (2291)

Current storage swarm count: 328

Operator Geographic Distribution Hosting Distribution
Public Key Contri­butors Fee (%) Nodes Vitality Full Stake Active Since Height Last Uptime Proof Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Country Representation Diversity Representation Diversity
fb62e11a8e2ceb3e88749812… 2/10 24 1 494.7 15000.00 1699339 (115.6 days) 1:00:08 Bulgaria 0.04% (1) 💚👏 0.04% (1) 💚👏
358344f3b26955f0cd6b6516… 1/10 1 173.9 15000.00 1657345 (173.9 days) 1:00:03 Germany 16.85% (387) 🟠 14.11% (324) 🔴
c9375215b4e119fc5ffc8674… 1/10 146 179.5 15000.00 1770539 (16.7 days) 0:59:59 France 13.58% (312) 🟠 12.63% (290) 🔴
0607deb29b2f20248ca87a6f… 1/10 27 222.0 15000.00 1669091 (157.6 days) 0:59:53 The Netherlands 3.13% (72) 🟡 4.7% (108) 🟠
e427171a4eca8280e7146300… 1/10 37 289.3 15000.00 1690689 (127.6 days) 0:59:52 Luxembourg 1.7% (39) 💚 5.22% (120) 🟠
fee075a08e14a586e322f797… 1/10 17 86.1 15000.00 1766037 (23.0 days) 0:59:49 United States 34.61% (795) 🔴 2.87% (66) 🟠
01b2d3a58ed4a10eaed8b745… 1/10 146 179.5 15000.00 1770501 (16.8 days) 0:59:48 France 13.58% (312) 🟠 12.63% (290) 🔴
9ba3b9de1081c17e01afeb52… 1/10 1 884.3 15000.00 1217031 (785.5 days) 0:59:47 United States 34.61% (795) 🔴 2.87% (66) 🟠
0a29ecf4ae8ff5497856154a… 2/10 35 1 128.1 15000.00 1581840 (278.8 days) 0:59:46 The Netherlands 3.13% (72) 🟡 0.09% (2) 💚
fc194f8e71ee8ed038c5eda2… 1/10 27 222.0 15000.00 1524169 (358.9 days) 0:59:44 United Kingdom 2.31% (53) 🟡 4.7% (108) 🟠
+ 2281 more ↪

Click here to see the full service node list (at most 10 are shown here)

Last 3 checkpoints

Height Block hash Checkpoint Quorum
1782568 d9f0336e20a2d874aad9b2a9b2d022dfa803677e83fe2f4028847e41bfbdb7b5 20/20 signatures:
1782564 3516525053b4f47392204f7f282dc06f7769bffbd13dd1b8f7adb359b70fb494 20/20 signatures:
1782540 00cf1c8b2d1bdf4a17b52f3f1d3e5ef1d5f694e3beb2d68d4f01c2b3634cf72f 20/20 signatures:

View recent stored testing/checkpoint/blink/pulse quorums