6 February 2025 at 03:03:05 UTC Transaction Pool Autorefresh is OFF Connect via Lokinet Go to testnet explorer (via Lokinet) Go to devnet explorer (via Lokinet)

1777291 v19.0 in 75 seconds 15000 OXEN 16.5 OXEN 0.005 OXEN/output + 0.000122 OXEN/kB 0.015 OXEN/output + 0.000366 OXEN/kB 300kB/600kB 20.1GB

71415185.440106139 OXEN 72171569.290900111 OXEN 81167.827375583 OXEN 756383.850793973 OXEN 25141.472553577 OXEN

* — The circulating supply may exclude any currently publicised locked OXEN; otherwise it is equal to the coinbase minus the number of burned coins. Fees include paid transaction fees minus any portion that was burned.

34381226.987917863 OXEN (48.14% of circulating supply)

1 OXEN = $0.050685 €0.04874953 ₤0.0405589 ₿0.00000052 Ξ0.00001802

🏁 Service Node Registration ⚑ Contribution 👍 Recommission 👎 Decommission 🚫 Deregistration 📋 IP Change Penalty 🎁 Block Reward 🔓 Stake Unlock 🎫 Oxen Name System Purchase 💾 ONS Update

Transaction Pool

0 transactions, 0B

Age [h:m:s] Type Transaction Hash Fee/Per kB In/Out TX Size

Transactions in Blocks 114–133 🔗

(Min. / Median / Average / Max. size of these blocks: 152B / 152B / 1.53kB / 14.3kB)

Current Page: 88858/88864
Showing blocks/page
Height Age [h:m:s] Size Type Transaction Hash Fee Rewards In/Out TX Size
133 2471d 2:20:58 153 80360fd317c6109aa1afbef45456741fb0be85ee70389b2201840e9393f62b13 122.72 0/2 153
132 2471d 2:22:58 13.5k 2870c91f9d43caa2ca86327739123cdef8946f4aa241b789ec2fefbb9a9d2146 122.79 0/2 153
22c035afb158615475d467baae9ea39fdde213339e26d7ddf67a8ddbe64e5181 0.0687 1/2 13.4k
131 2471d 2:23:44 153 6c31913b1cfdd04a67ecca5cd93fa52f0d4f8a8c985ea7c08767eea691187e90 122.73 0/2 153
130 2471d 2:23:52 153 e9ebb8c9e92ef2abce8261c12840b1bfb3f4aea585c1d8c345d9045aefeb96e0 122.73 0/2 153
129 2471d 2:24:16 153 a2e77eddc62e79ea99dba19802cb810a881dae0f8c026d206d221d08cf53f7c7 122.73 0/2 153
128 2471d 2:24:50 14.3k 0e71732b615eefb8046938efbb78a0f58a728f8150da39d5db63e5b0a8b446c1 122.79 0/2 153
e2cf44af9ca25adad4942790a9b051e270a85bcbc4b88204c0167a1c0eef94a0 0.0687 2/2 14.2k
127 2471d 2:27:28 152 a23e271fe2c3c72318a25546c2393b58070204263556da6683487ffad44a013f 122.73 0/2 152
126 2471d 2:28:19 152 f12545aceb0efe788b58b15f6a3e8a9ccc05b5cc25184d038c4294c876bd7def 122.73 0/2 152
125 2471d 2:29:28 152 b22576560164702512c25904eaf8ff615acfa79993d3751fc608a0d5c73d068d 122.73 0/2 152
124 2471d 2:29:56 152 0d169a49f859a7f13f1dc56083a2cbb82d636dacd0647573c5271035a7910efa 122.73 0/2 152
123 2471d 2:31:15 152 63c5cd7f2a63173cf980df9b4998e434df0a645f5549c0424387517d5befcc36 122.73 0/2 152
122 2471d 2:31:50 152 ccd65c8ea76bf4af8134dc2ce62d2cc5313db3bc1f6a4ae667e50a4f3b714a85 122.73 0/2 152
121 2471d 2:32:54 152 009ff5a8bfb51f0b5daba0c74f16253680273035dbc1728b7b4ac477a7bf06d8 122.73 0/2 152
120 2471d 2:32:54 152 563435b032c6a8ed5c433d809bebc9de7cab9e736bf04cf0624c19ca194afcfb 122.73 0/2 152
119 2471d 2:33:02 152 4c422398a0615b4972b87ddd18374f059e041aac48a36288942bf97f31efbaaa 122.73 0/2 152
118 2471d 2:33:14 152 b277614a419ec933a52da379eca75b1d070709a1c50735594f4fd61bb5247f53 122.73 0/2 152
117 2471d 2:33:15 152 ecd92962cf07c92851c49a5eecddf3f39dd367709632e44b29bdab21ea4266af 122.73 0/2 152
116 2471d 2:33:20 152 ddf0fb580158575062da944defe6ee60d708c39f9d6085d61f4be0ee4360bf81 122.73 0/2 152
115 2471d 2:33:58 152 b333a02ab55237decefad16940c6a77848b0885f1e84542a63a6135f251c1a63 122.73 0/2 152
114 2471d 2:34:46 152 95929ca6fac5bd82f2976773c6b7c8015cb3484f67f0e33c1ac9c78976c80f27 122.73 0/2 152
Current Page: 88858/88864
Showing blocks/page

Service Nodes

3 service nodes awaiting contributions, 4 decommissioned service nodes and 2286 active service nodes across 38 countries, 104 hosting networks and 1392 IP addresses. 57.35% (1315 nodes) of the service node network uses a dedicated IP address.

Nodes are operated by 334 unique wallet addresses and funded by 348 other unique contributors.

39 nodes (1.7%) will be unlocking in the next 15 days, of which 2 nodes (5.13% of unlocking / 0.09% of all) in the next 24 hours.

The nominal APR per full node (15000 OXEN) is 12.65%. The approximate earnings of a node are 5.2 OXEN per day, 158.07 OXEN per month and 1896.85 OXEN per year.

1204 (52.51%) 1084 (47.27%) 5 (0.22%)

💚 Improves Diversity 🟡 Negligible Impact on Diversity 🟠 Negatively Affects Diversity 🔴 Strong Negative Impact on Diversity 👏 Unique Country/Hosting Network 🪆 Multiple SNs Share Server

Service Nodes Awaiting Contributions (3, of which 0 [0.0%] on dedicated IP)

Operator Contribution Geographic Distribution Hosting Distribution
Public Key In Queue Contributors Fee (%) Nodes Vitality Contributed Remaining Minimum Stake Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Country Representation Diversity Representation Diversity
87d454a72a02dd17c9b3b0e1… 4.1 hours 1/10 45 151 517.3 3750.00 11250.00 1250.000000000 United States 33.45% (767) 🔴 12.91% (296) 🔴🪆
ceed2c855feeaaed41e28d66… 4.1 hours 1/10 45 151 517.3 3750.00 11250.00 1250.000000000 United States 33.45% (767) 🔴 12.91% (296) 🔴🪆
4e544032312c11e9b2dd5131… 4.1 hours 1/10 45 151 517.3 3750.00 11250.00 1250.000000000 United States 33.45% (767) 🔴 12.91% (296) 🔴🪆

Inactive/Decommissioned Service Nodes (4)

(These service nodes are currently decommissioned for failing network obligations, are not earning rewards, and face deregistration soon)

Operator Decommission Geographic Distribution Hosting Distribution
Public Key Contributors Fee (%) Nodes Vitality Height Reasons Count Last Uptime Proof Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Blocks until Dereg. Country Representation Diversity Representation Diversity
ad87fd76bc49ca0d2c686d04… 1/10 19 282.6 1775933 uptime (storage) 3 Not Received 0 (deregistration pending…) Iceland 2.53% (58) 🟡 2.49% (57) 🟠🪆
e5bd85df295408d138906670… 1/10 18 293.8 1775942 uptime (storage, timecheck, lokinet) 1 Not Received 92 (in 3.1 hours) Iceland 2.53% (58) 🟡 2.49% (57) 🟠🪆
e495b5657129e1da9e506b55… 1/10 1 101.9 1776551 (storage, timecheck, lokinet) 2 0:07:34 701 (in 23.4 hours) France 13.65% (313) 🟠 8.29% (190) 🟠
772b436c009f56c3cb27b785… 2/10 38 12 33.3 1777038 uptime 2 Not Received 1188 (in 1.6 days) South Africa 0.61% (14) 💚 0.31% (7) 💚

Active Service Nodes (2286)

Current storage swarm count: 327

Operator Geographic Distribution Hosting Distribution
Public Key Contri­butors Fee (%) Nodes Vitality Full Stake Active Since Height Last Uptime Proof Expiry Date UTC (Estimated) Country Representation Diversity Representation Diversity
ecd0658cdc6d6fb6b9a2f84e… 1/10 37 289.4 15000.00 1690783 (120.2 days) 1:56:58 Germany 16.96% (389) 🟠 5.23% (120) 🟠
c19ecf092656ac582a5bdfc7… 1/10 37 289.4 15000.00 1690680 (120.3 days) 1:56:13 Luxembourg 1.7% (39) 💚 5.23% (120) 🟠
1d072c8db24660fc5b7e0e1e… 1/10 37 289.4 15000.00 1690739 (120.2 days) 1:31:13 Luxembourg 1.7% (39) 💚 5.23% (120) 🟠
4434acca7e4eb5b10587f1e3… 1/10 37 289.4 15000.00 1690678 (120.3 days) 1:12:42 Luxembourg 1.7% (39) 💚 5.23% (120) 🟠
841b06f467c159f8e6b0d3cb… 1/10 32 679.0 15000.00 1415545 (502.4 days) 1:00:04 United States 33.45% (767) 🔴 5.23% (120) 🟠
b4b8b0ac2ee8b9ef6c7cb5d7… 1/10 1 408.2 15000.00 1483526 (408.0 days) 1:00:03 United States 33.45% (767) 🔴 8.29% (190) 🟠
4396748bf514a9cf525e25aa… 1/10 26 216.4 15000.00 1524090 (351.7 days) 1:00:02 Germany 16.96% (389) 🟠 4.67% (107) 🟠
6d8990c88ecbe59a5836098e… 1/10 1 795.4 15000.00 1204595 (795.4 days) 1:00:02 United States 33.45% (767) 🔴 8.29% (190) 🟠
94c446fc486dccd33d7dafaf… 1/10 1 410.3 15000.00 1594791 (253.5 days) 1:00:02 France 13.65% (313) 🟠 8.29% (190) 🟠
10bfa48eeeb5bff7aaf460bc… 2/10 25 104 485.4 15000.00 1581454 (272.0 days) 1:00:01 Austria 1.26% (29) 💚 1.26% (29) 🟡
+ 2276 more ↪

Click here to see the full service node list (at most 10 are shown here)

Last 3 checkpoints

Height Block hash Checkpoint Quorum
1777288 d1fe20e2a87f120d3b7ebe433ecbc8c289a823edb014c918d7535f0efe30b348 20/20 signatures:
1777284 c7d5909a6d0343f86956b6d9dd132fb718c4ff80d9286b946b0bd4e23c6a3831 20/20 signatures:
1777260 3ae641cf99894fc9a725fcd37197250222bbfff5d6ea440a6b601783593aa52a 20/20 signatures:

View recent stored testing/checkpoint/blink/pulse quorums